Породы кошек в мексике

Породы кошек в мексике thumbnail

Сфинкс кошка – уникальная порода, несмотря на несколько отталкивающий внешний вид, эти кошки обладают своеобразной магией и магнетизмом. Они отличаются от других пород отсутствием шерсти.

Считается, что сфинкс – это одна из древнейших пород кошек. Во времена правления древнеегипетских фараонов он был почитаемым и священным животным. Лысые египетские кошки затерялись в истории, но их вид возродился в Канаде около 60 лет назад.

Как вывели породу сфинкс

Доподлинная история возникновения древних лысых кошек неизвестна. Родиной происхождения современных сфинксов считается Канада, в то время как информации, откуда взялись эти кошки, нет. Источники утверждают, что о кошках знали в Мексике, Индии, Америке и других странах.

Первое упоминание о породе можно найти в живописи ацтеков. Скорее всего, это были не кошки породы сфинкс, а мексиканские бесшерстные кошки, вид которых исчез в начале XIX века.

По легендам, египетский сфинкс был проводником между миром людей и миром богов. Статуи необычных кошек охраняли вход в святилища египетских фараонов.

Новейшая история породы начинается в XX веке. Кошка снова появилась в Торонто в 1966 году. Не известно, каким образом, но у одной короткошерстной обычной кошки родился лысый котенок.

Были предприняты попытки к созданию других особей похожего вида. Так выводились современные представители этой породы, отличительной особенностью которых является отсутствие шерсти.

Выведением первых «отечественных» лысых кошек занималась Татьяна Смирнова, привезшая двух представителей в Россию из Америки.

Описание и стандарт породы

На первый взгляд кажется, что сфинксы лишены волосяного покрова. Но мнение, что такие коты абсолютно лысые, ошибочно. Их шерсть очень короткая и по ощущениям похожа на бархат.

Все о сфинксах расскажет их характеристика: хоть лысая кошка и выглядит как жутко страшный зверь, но под описание породы подойдет фраза «красивый внутренне, очень милый и коммуникабельный питомец».

На сегодняшний день породу представляют три вида животных: канадский, донской и петербургский сфинкс. Каждый из этих видов имеет стандарт породы, утвержденный Ассоциацией любителей кошек.

Краткое описание видов сфинксов:

  • Канадский сфинкс. Породе уже около 60 лет. Их тело покрыто еле заметным пухом и имеет небольшое количество складок. Тело канадской кошки обычно меньше по размеру, чем тело кота. По характеру они удивительно умны и любвеобильны, легко идут на контакт.
  • Донской сфинкс. Название порода получила по городу, где была выведена, Ростов-на-Дону. Размер донских представителей крупнее, чем канадских. На теле имеется большое количество складок. Первый стандарт породы был предложен в 1992 году.
  • Петерболд или петербургский сфинкс. Искусственно выведенная порода родом из Санкт-Петербурга. В эксперименте скрещивания участвовали донской сфинкс и ориентал. Порода появилась около 20 лет назад. В настоящее время над ее усовершенствованием еще работают опытные специалисты.

Окрасы сфинксов

Окрас сфинксов разнообразен. Они бывают:

  • Однотонные: лиловый, серый, рыжий, белый, черный сфинкс, розоватого цвета. Они могут быть также голубыми.
  • Двуцветные: бело-серый, серо-лиловый, черно-шоколадный.
  • Тэбби-окрас: рисунок на покрове.
  • Биоколор: основной окрас + белый цвет.
  • Колор-поинт: похож на окрас сиамских кошек.
  • Под воздействием солнечных лучей кот может загореть и его окрас станет ярче.


Пусть порода и отличается отталкивающим внешним видом, но характер сфинксов очень дружелюбен по своей натуре и абсолютно не агрессивен, злыми они бывают крайне редко.

Кошки любят играть с игрушками, поэтому владельцам придется часто убирать разбросанные предметы за своими питомцами.

Поведение сфинкса идеальное, питомец не имеет привычки пакостить дома. Эти животные очень любят внимание со стороны человека. Особенно нравится, когда с кошкой разговаривают.

Разлука с домочадцами этим созданиям дается очень тяжело, для характера этой породы свойственно впадать в депрессию при нехватке общения. После того как что-то в доме случается нехорошее, кошки становятся вялыми.

Они по природе своей очень ранимы. Поэтому хозяину стоит подобрать компанию своему питомцу на время длительного отъезда. Сфинксы отлично ладят с другими животными. К слову, собак лысый кот не боится вообще.

С детьми эти животные легко находят общий язык и без сопротивления участвуют в детских играх. Гостей они не сторонятся и зачастую демонстрируют перед гостями свои навыки поедания пищи с помощью передних лап. И это далеко не все таланты этих разумных животных.

Этих кошек можно дрессировать и тогда они могут приносить хозяину предметы в зубах, открывать двери и прочее. Умение ходить в лоток кот усваивает быстро, стоит только один раз показать, где он находится.

Воспитывать сфинкса хозяева должны без криков и рукоприкладства – он не поймет причину такого обращения с ним. Лучше придать своей речи строгий эмоциональный тон, который кот улавливает лучше всего.

А вот охотничий инстинкт у породы отсутствует. Это обусловлено ее декоративностью. У представителей породы отсутствуют усы, поэтому они не смогут выжить на улице.

Полная статья и фото в источнике


Вы узнаете: Стандарты всех видов и особенности породы (сравнительная таблица), Как ухаживать за сфинксом, Питание, Здоровье, Сколько живет сфинкс, Сколько стоит сфинкс, Уход за котятами


Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Jaguar

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Jaguar

Luis Pablo Raccoon Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery

Luis Pablo Raccoon

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Oaxacan Wood Carving Maria Jimenez. Love Oaxaca, used to shop there a lot when I lived in Mexico City, df

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Julia Fuentes Frog

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Julia Fuentes Frog


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.


An alebrije is a type of Mexican handicraft. Find out about the meaning of alebrije.

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Oaxacan Wood Carvings Susano Morales Otter

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Susano Morales, Otter figurine #anthropologie #pintowin

Luis Pablo: Ocelot

Gorgeous feline, ocelot carving by Luis Pablo, considered one of the top Oaxacan wood carving masters.He is known for his realistic carvings contemporary use of color and painting techniques as well as his superb workmanship. Luis Pablo is one of the very few carvers that does everything himself…he carves and paints all of his pieces. This wonderful large figure is a one piece, perfectly carved wood carving with a very nice expression and body language. A great piece!

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Luis Pablo: Mommy Cat & Kitten

Adorable Mommy Cat & Kitten by Luis Pablo. This beautiful pair is perfectly carved and painted.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Zebra

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Zebra

oaxacan wood carvings cat – Google Search


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings – Pink & Purple Alebrije by Zeny Fuentes

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Pink & Purple Alebrije by Zeny Fuentes … This colorful handcrafted piece by Zeny Fuentes is a typical example of …

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Martin Melchor Band

Oaxacan Alebrijes

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Miguel Gil Santiango Bear

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Miguel Gil Santiango Bear


Our Oaxacan wood carvings of bears, elephants, coyotes, tigers and other mammal alebrije figures are habd-crafted folk art, signed by the artists.

Oaxacan Woodcarvings Jacobo Angeles Jaguar

Oaxacan Woodcarvings Jacobo Angeles Jaguar

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Manuel Cruz Rabitt

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Manuel Cruz Rabitt

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????????#OAXACAN WOOD CARVINGS / #ZAPOTEC / #ALEBRIJES / #MEXICAN WOOD CARVINGS????????More Pins Like This At #FOSTERGINGER @ Pinterest ????????

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Orchard Scene

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Oaxacan wood carvings

Oaxacan wood carvings – могу обойтись без необходимого , но не могу без лишнего — LiveJournal

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alebrije on Tumblr

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Manuel Cruz: Wonderful Beetle

This stunning escarabajo, beetle was created by artist Manuel Cruz. The Cruz are a well known family of woodcarving artists with a unique style of high quality figures. This amazing insect is so beautiful coloring and is spectacularly carved and painted. Magnificent!!

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Denis Sarazhin II

A blog about art and illustration.

Shaaz Jung (@shaazjung) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram


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oaxacan wood carvings cat – Google Search

Teotihuacan: Censures

Censers were ceremonial objects used by the Teotihuacanos to burn incense and also held a ritual purpose. Variant of a Theater-Type Censer

Oaxacan Wood Carving Jacobo Angeles Howling Coyote Oaxaca Mexican …

Armando and Antonia Jiménez, Arrazola Oaxacan Opossum Wood Carving Alebrijes


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4th Grade Oaxacan Folk Art Animals

4th graders learned about the traditional wood folk art of Oaxaca (pronounced Wa-ha-ka), Mexico. Their amazing pieces are carved out of one piece of wood, with the artist working with the knots and bends of the branch when forming the animal! The two traits students identified that all the pieces had in common were: 1.…

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

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Maria Jimenez: Little Pig

Lovely little pig by well known artist Maria Jimenez.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

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Oaxaca, Mexico 2003 – MAINLY-MEXICAN

Oaxaca Mexico as photographed by an Amigo member.

Mixtec Gold Artifacts

Gold ear pendants, Tomb 7, Monte Alban, Mixtec Gold Artifacts

Masked Mexican Wrestler Angels #folkart

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

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bad priestess

mexi-cool: “Alebrije Jaguar – Oaxaca ”

Oaxacan Wood Carvings


Oaxacan Mexican Folk Art Wood Carvings

Wasn’t sure where to put this….. https://www.vivaoaxacafolkart.com/woodcarvings/images/W30-wooden-owl_Ba.jpg I always liked those wood animals they sold at places like Pier One or Cost Plus imports. We had some wood carved cats from Africa for years until our son was a toddler and got hold of them and snapped the tails off. We later moved to iron wood carvings, which are more durable but also more boring. When he got older, we looked to replace them with something a bit more

Disney – Mexico Merchandise

These intricate little handmade knick knacks can be found in the Mexico pavilion right when you first walk in. …at Epcot World Showcase of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Disney Photo Challenge winner in “World Showcase Merchandise” – thanks for your votes!

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Manuel Cruz Frog oaxacafinecarvings.com

Tamandua Anteater Mexico

This colorful anteater is the work of A. Playas of Oaxaca and Cancun Mexico

Assemblages 2017

Assemblages 2017

Baby Javan Rhino Sculpture in Clay (1) Khwan Barton, artist

How I made a baby Javan Rhino sculpture from start to finish. By Khwan Barton, wildlife artist, Thailand.

Alebrijes – Folk Art From Oaxaca, Mexico

Alebrijes are carved folk art figures from Oaxaca Mexico. Alebrijes originated in the 1930’s and were created by artist Pedro Linares. Linares fell ill and said that the brightly colored figures came to him in a dream during his illness. Below are some beautiful carvings by some of my favorite alebrije artists that I found…

Solmar Imports – Mata Ortiz Juan Quezada Casas Grandes Pottery and Oaxacan Wood Carvings – Alebrijes Oaxacan Animals…interesting bunny with a snail shell


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Hitesh Durgani

by Mauricio Ramirez

Colour and patterns we always an important thing when it comes to the Egyptian life style when it comes to designing their buildings

Mandrill wood carving oaxaca mexico

This sad looking mandrill was made by a wood carver from Oaxaca Mexico

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a Choice Based PYP art room in the land of sand

Oaxacan wood carvings

Oaxacan wood carvings: la_ra_fa — LiveJournal

Alebrije or Animalito Paper Craft for Elementary Students

Ever since I saw the Disney Pixar Movie Coco I have been wanting to do some kind of art lesson on Alebrijes. I have always loved these …


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Alebrije: conejo ojos de canica

Alebrijes are brightly colored Mexican folk art sculptures of fantastical creatures. The creation of the first alebrijes is attributed to Pedro Linares, a Mixe Indian artisan from Oaxaca,. When he was in his thirties, Linares fell ill with a high fever, which caused him to hallucinate. In these feverish dreams, he was in a forest with rocks and clouds, many of which turned into wild, unnaturally colored creatures, which frequently features wings, horns, tails, fierce teeth and bulgy…


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Jacobo Angeles | ●Красивые идеи● Handmade

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Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников

Oaxacan = ремесло в Мексике, резьба по дереву. вырезаются фигурки, а потом раскрашиваются прекрасными узорами, неповторимыми, которые можно разглядывать бесконечно. ну и некоторые переносить на свои работы.Любуйтесь 1. 2. 3….

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Blue Jay

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Blue Jay

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery Luis Pablo Spider


alebrijes and oaxacan woodcarvings at Mexico Lindo Mercado

All About Wood Carvings – What To Do If You Want To Learn The Craft – Artistic Wood Products

If you want to learn how to carve wood and make great pieces of art, the first step in the right direction is to familiarize yourself with the different styles. Why? Because, just like any other craft, you don’t become an expert by being all over the place. Focus and the art will follow. The …

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

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CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Mexico City Alebrije Parade

Vintage European Cat With Yarn Bolt Poster

Explore artcafe2008’s photos on Flickr. artcafe2008 has uploaded 554 photos to Flickr.

Shaaz Jung on Instagram: “As darkness nears and the night gets colder, the eye of the panther is your first observer. . . #30days30posts #shaazjung #wildlife…”

15.8k Likes, 202 Comments – Shaaz Jung (@shaazjung) on Instagram: “As darkness nears and the night gets colder, the eye of the panther is your first observer. . .…”


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Owl by Eleazar Morales Yellow Cheetah by Armando Jimenez Coati by Luis Pablo Lion by Luis Pablo Otter b…

Coati Alebrije, Jacobo Angeles Ojeda, Tilcajete, Mexico.

Character design, illustration and packaging for Alebrines on Behance by Alexander Vidal Los Angeles, CA curated by Packaging Diva PD. Created for a line of Mexican candies inspired by traditional Mexican folk art for the packaging smile file : )

Luis Pablo Baboon Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery

Luis Pablo Baboon Oaxacan Wood Carvings Gallery

Know Before You Show COCO – The TRUE Meaning of Los Alebrijes

Let’s face it! Coco was the movie of the century for Spanish teachers! We can’t get enough of it! It’s fun, our students love it, and it portrays a popular celebration in Mexic…

Oaxacan woodcarvings

Oaxacan woodcarvings, also known as alebrijes, have been a tradition for generations in several small villages outside the capital of Oaxac…

Mexican Folk Art Oaxacan Wood Carving Exceptional Cat Luis y Margarita Sosa

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Tiny human, you’re my best friend

Post with 163 views. Tiny human, you’re my best friend

Oaxacan wood carvings

Oaxacan wood carvings – могу обойтись без необходимого , но не могу без лишнего

Shaaz Jung, A Man Behind Viral Black Panther ‘Saya’ Photos; Check Out His Amazing Photos

Last week, the photos of a rare Black Panther went viral on the internet. The Black Panther ‘Saya’ was spotted in the dense Kabini forest of Karnataka. Black Panther is one of the rarest species of animals. Shaaz Jung, a wildlife photographer has clicked the amazing pictures of Black Panther.

Carved, painted rabbit made of wood, Oaxaca, Mexico | Rabbit art, Bunny art, Mexican art

Dec 23, 2014 – Flickriver – view images as a ‘river of photos’ and more…

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Wildlife Photographer Captures Rare Black Panther Roaming in the Jungles of India

Wildlife photographer Shaaz Jung recently captured a rare black panther exploring Kabini forest in Karnataka, India, and his images have gone viral.

Resultados de la búsqueda de imágenes: alebrijes textura

Resultados de la búsqueda de imágenes: alebrijes textura – Yahoo Search

Image result for mexican folk art


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Jacobo & Maria Angeles: Little Armadillo

Beautiful little armadillo figure created by master carver Jacobo Angeles and impeccably painted by his wife Maria. It is very important to note that the painting of this charming figure is Jacobo’s finest Zapotec art style, very detailed and rich design. Origin: OaxacaDimensions: 3.5”Tall 9”Long 2”Wide


CulturalArt.org features museum quality Mexican and American Indian Art including Mata Ortiz pottery (also known as Casas Grandes pottery), Oaxacan wood carvings (also known as alebrijes), Huichol Indian Art, Mexican Folk Art, Native American Indian basketry at amazing prices. All product is sourced directly from a reputable dealers and artists with specific expertise in their subject areas.


Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Oaxacan Wood Carvings

Shop the finest Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan alebrijes, created by master carvers from Oaxaca. The talented artists of Oaxaca create, entirely by hand, wonderful sculptures made from copal wood and their ingenious shapes with amazing patterns and colors have captivated collectors worldwide.

Ivan Fuentes: Cat

Striking multi-colored cat by artist Ivan Fuentes. This beautiful cat is perfectly painted and has a wonderful expression!